Some words were never, ever spoken at our house. We never said, “I’m bored.” Our parents never said, “It’s too cold for you to go outside.” The folks stressed the value of exercise in the …
By DeAnn (Wolkow) Kruempel
In 1986, I was 14 years old. I worked on farms in the Watertown area, fixing fence, picking rock, shoveling grain, working hogs and cattle and putting up hay, among many other tasks. On the occasion …
By Rev. Jerod A Jordan, CRE, Spirit Lake Presbyterian Church
This past week, I started a new job. After six years serving as your lieutenant governor, I had the opportunity to shorten my title. I’d like to take some time to share some things you might not …
By Gov. Larry Rhoden
My name is Amy, and I seem to have an addiction to goats. I don’t know if being addicted to goats is a real thing or not, but if it is, I can see that it might be a problem for us; we can’t seem …
By Amy Halverson
History was made in Pierre this week, when Larry Rhoden took the reins as the 34th Governor of South Dakota during the 100th Legislative Session. He addressed a joint body of the Legislature on …
By Rep. Tim Reisch, Dist. 8
Week three has seen several bills making their way through various committees. This week was also one of two deadlines to have bills introduced. Thurs., Jan. 30 was a deadline to have unlimited …
By Rep. Tim Walburg
It’s Monday morning. The sun is shining. Delmer informed me via text that it is five degrees in De Smet, South Dakota. On a similar January day nearly 70 years ago, our mother would have said, …
By DeAnn (Wolkow) Kruempel
It’s Monday night and negative 16 degrees with a feels-like temperature of negative 33. The only positive thing about temperatures like this is that it must get warmer, right? Although I’ve been …
By Amy Halverson
In a world dominated by drive-through meals and microwave dinners, it’s easy to fall into the trap of convenience eating, often at the expense of our health. As the new year begins, many of us …
By Pastor Robbie McClelland, Arlington Baptist Church
The 100th session of the South Dakota Legislature got underway last week in Pierre, with Governor Kristi Noem delivering her seventh, and likely final, State of the State Address. If she is confirmed …
By Rep. Tim Reisch, Dist. 8
Greetings from the 100th South Dakota legislative session. It is an honor to once again serve the great people of District 8 as your Senator. The year ahead will include several challenges as we work …
By Sen. Casey Crabtree
In her 2024 Budget Address, Governor Noem announced an educational innovation for the parents and students of South Dakota: Educational Savings Accounts (ESAs). She explained that this investment …
By Dr. Joseph Graves
Her freckled face burned bright red. She folded her hands, averted her eyes and whispered, “I need to use the necessary.” This scene led to the attempted escape of the young woman from her …
By DeAnn (Wolkow) Kruempel
For those of you who may be trying to eat a little healthier as the new year kicks off, I thought I would share some tips on keeping your lettuce fresh for a longer time. I’m guessing the majority …
By Amy Halverson
Another one of the top New Year’s resolutions we see is to exercise more. I have talked to gym managers who have told me they get 90 percent of their annual sales in the first month of the year. …
By Pastor Robbie McClelland, Arlington Baptist Church
“Step right up! Read all about it!” Do you remember the newspaper boys in the movies as they called out the latest breaking news? Headlines flashed on the screen. Presses churned out copies that …
By DeAnn (Wolkow) Kruempel
It never seems to fail. During this time of year, no matter how hard I try to avoid it, I always get hit by some sort of bug. Sure enough, it got me again. I don’t know what it was this year, but …
By Amy Halverson