688 results total, viewing 121 - 140
Years ago, I lost a dear friend to suicide, and it was fundamentally life-changing for me. “I should have done something,” I remember thinking after the incident. “I should have said … more
I am writing on behalf of the international 501(c)(3) Laura Ingalls Wilder Legacy and Research Association to request that you find a solution for a gravel mining permit on the … more
If I were to ask you to describe the world in which we find ourselves, I am fairly confident you would not choose the word “united.” We are, it seems, ever more fragmented, ever more separated … more
Black smoke puffed from the exhaust pipe of the Farmall as it waited at the starting line. The driver focused intently on the contest director 70 yards ahead as the man on the loudspeaker announced … more
It has been a couple crazy, busy weeks trying to make sure all was ready for my daughter’s wedding, but thankfully the big day was last Saturday, and it went amazingly well. My daughter Alyssa … more
There are many books considered to be "The Great American Novel," a quintessential bit of writing that captures some aspect of the spirit of America. If you go to GoodReads, you'll see hundreds of … more
All across South Dakota, you’ve probably heard the roaring “wild hogs” across our highways and through our towns. Their roars and rumbles send a clear message: the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally is … more
Have you ever really wanted to tell someone how much you care, how much love you have but couldn’t find adequate words? Maybe it was a friend or family member who was struggling. You had an almost … more
If you’re lucky enough to have fresh herbs in your garden or buy more than what you can use right away, I’m sharing tips this week on how to store them, so they stay fresh longer. First, wash the … more
Silence is golden, but not when you are waiting to hear your washer begin. I pulled out the button on my Kenmore, turned it to the maximum wash time and pushed Start. Water began pouring in, so I … more
BIG News The assassination attempt on President Trump was unacceptable. The events of Trump’s rally in Pennsylvania are a tragic picture of our current political climate, and we all must … more
My family did some moving when I was growing up. I went to elementary school, junior high, as it was then called, and high school in all different towns. As an adult I have lived in Washington, D.C., … more
It was a list of names . Following each, in perfect handwriting, was an address and notes of interest: hobbies, favorite animal. “Please choose someone from the list for your summer pen pal.” … more
I hope everyone is finding a way to stay cool; it looks like temperatures will be on the rise this coming week. The only positive is, hopefully, the heat will take care of some of the mosquitoes that … more
Mental health treatment within the criminal justice system plays a pivotal, yet, often overlooked role in both the well-being and rehabilitation of incarcerated individuals. This is frequently … more
I love fishing. There’s almost no better way to relax, get away from the hubbub of daily life and connect with the natural beauty all around us. They taste pretty good, too! South Dakota is home to … more
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